Student Co-Curricular Academic Initiatives Committee

The Student Co-Curricular Academic Initiatives Committee is an advisory committee to the University Faculty Senate. The Student Co-curricular Academic Initiatives Committee exercises power delegated to the faculty in Art. I.B.1, I.C.1, and I.C.4 of the Senate Charter.


  • To advise and recommend to the Senate the academic programs associated with living-learning communities (LLC), Sophomore Scholars in Residence (SSIR), Endeavor and other similar cross-school student-focused academic experiential programs as deemed necessary by the committee. This includes, but is not limited to: course application process, course proposal review, assessment of learning outcomes, compensation review, and satisfaction of students, faculty, and staff.
  • To provide guidance and recommendations to the program director on the selection and rotation of faculty participants in the programs;
  • To participate in academic co-curricular program reviews, when needed; and
  • To consult with the Student Development Committee on matters associated with student life that surface outside of the scope of these programs.


The membership of the Student Co-curricular Academic Initiatives Committee consists of four faculty members from A&S; two faculty members from RSB; one faculty member each from JSLS, Law, and SPCS; the Deans of Richmond and Westhampton Colleges (or their designees; ex officio); the Director of New Student and Transition Programs (ex officio); the Provost (or his/her designee; ex officio); the Wellness Coordinator (ex officio); and four students (two from A&S and one each from RSB and JSLS—with representation from Richmond and Westhampton Academic Affairs Committees among these students).

Voting Membership: The voting membership of the Student Co-curricular Academic Initiatives Committee consists of four faculty members from A&S; two faculty members from RSB; one faculty member each from JSLS, Law, and SPCS.