Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find frequently asked questions about participating in The Richmond Endeavor. If you have other questions that are not answered here, please contact us.


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  • What’s an ideal length for the short answers?

    The application for The Richmond Endeavor isn’t meant to be a burden. The faculty and staff want to get to know your interest in participating within the program. Try to be concise, yet expansive enough for you to express genuine interest as to why you want to be part of this community. Just be yourself and answer each question honestly; there is no right answer! There is a maximum word alottment of 250 words for your essay.

  • I have submitted my application. Now what?

    You will receive a confirmation email from the Living-Learning & New Student Programs Office noting that we have received your application. 

    Then your application will be reviewed by the faculty and staff of The Richmond Endeavor program and you will hear from the Living-Learning & New Student Programs Office by mid-June on the status of your application via your Richmond email address.

  • What is the program looking for from students?

    We are looking for students with a genuine interest in the topic and an open mind. We also want students who will commit to participating in the program fully. Participants should want to join a community of peers who come from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences, and who want to do more with their academics outside of the classroom.


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  • Do I need to complete the Housing Application if I participate in Endeavor?

    Yes, all students must complete the housing application that is located within BannerWeb. 

    The housing application is required for all students who wish to live on campus. The application will be available to entering first-year students on April 14. To access the application, sign on to Bannerweb, click on Student Services, HousingMenu, Connect to StarRez. Follow the instructions on each page within StarRez. You must complete each page to be able to move forward to the next page. 

  • If I participate in Endeavor, when would I move in?

    Because participating in the Roadmap to Sucess program is part of The Richmond Endeavor, you will move-in on Sunday, August 17, 2025. Once you have been accepted to Endeavor, you can make plans to arrive to campus on August 17, 2025.

  • Where is Endeavor housed?

    The Richmond Endeavor program is housed in Lora Robins Court.

    Lora Robins Court is a co-ed residence hall housing first-year students; it is the largest first-year residence hall on-campus. Lora Robins Court underwent renovations during Summer 2019 to create new collaborative study spaces, new gender inclusive bathrooms, and a classroom Endeavor students can use.

  • How is the building organized being co-ed?

    In Lora Robins Court, each floor has multiple "pods" and each pod is assigned to a gender. There are gender-assigned community bathrooms, as well as gender inclusive bathrooms and showers located on each floor.

  • I have a friend who is also applying for The Richmond Endeavor. If we both get in, can we live together?

    If you and your friend both applied and were accepted to The Richmond Endeavor, you may be able to choose your friend as a roommate.  We will do our best to accommodate your request.

  • I have a friend who I want to live with next year, but doesn’t want to participate in Endeavor? Can we still live together if I get into Endeavor?

    No. You would need to choose between participating in The Richmond Endeavor or living with your friend.

  • When will we find out exactly where we will live after being accepted into the community?

    The Office of Residence Life and Housing will send out housing assignments for Endeavor students on the same day as the rest of the first-year class housing assignments, which is mid-July.

  • I require specific housing accommodations. Can I still apply and participate?

    Yes, students requiring accommodations can still participate in The Richmond Endeavor.

    Housing accommodations are available for students whose medical related conditions or disabilities substantially limit their housing needs. However, to be considered for such special housing, they must submit a completed disability accommodation application and documentation to Disability Services by June 1, 2025. Applications are accepted after these deadlines but may delay review. Submitting a disability medical accommodation request does not automatically guarantee a space in University housing.

    Students are encouraged to consult and meet with their disability advisors each year or as indicated. Annual applications are encouraged should there be changes in accommodation needs and medical conditions.

  • I do not identify on the gender binary. Do I have housing options within The Richmond Endeavor?

    Yes. All students, no matter their gender identity, are welcome to apply and participate in The Richmond Endeavor.

    First-year students who identify beyond the binary, including but not limited to genderqueer, gender questioning, or trans students, are encouraged to contact Sage Ober if they also want to participate in Endeavor.

    Gender flexible housing (GFH) is available within Endeavor will work to accommodate requests of first-year students for GFH, understanding that as with all housing options – GFH is not guaranteed.

  • Are there single rooms within The Richmond Endeavor?

    Lora Robins Court, where The Richmond Endeavor will live, is a traditional floor plan of double rooms and community bathrooms. There are no single rooms available within The Richmond Endeavor with the exception for students with approved accomodations that require them to live in a single room.

    Housing accommodations are available for students whose medical related conditions or disabilities substantially limit their housing needs. However, to be considered for such special housing, they must submit a completed disability accommodation application and documentation by June 1, 2025. Applications are accepted after these deadlines but may delay review. Submitting a disability medical accommodation request does not automatically guarantee a space in University housing.