About Sophomore Scholars in Residence
The SSIR program combines a traditional academic course with co-curricular learning activities throughout a student's entire sophomore year. Each community consists of a one-unit course in the fall semester and a half-unit group project in the spring semester, with various co-curricular experiences that enhance learning. Throughout the year, students are working on both individual and group capstone projects that they present to the University community each spring.
The communities are small, with only sixteen students participating per community, allowing for great discussions and strong group-bonding and friendships to be made.
Students enhance their experience by leaving campus together as a community to participate in community-based learning, as well as traveling locally, regionally, domestically or internationally to experience first-hand and connect the classroom learning.
Students who participate in living-learning communities represent a diverse cohort from various backgrounds, cultures and experiences.
All co-curricular costs associated with the course, including the community travel, are at no additional expense to students beyond tuition, housing, and food fees.
Every community has strong engagement by a faculty member who teaches the class, travels with them, serves as mentor to their research, and guides the community throughout the year. Students may also participate in workshops and have interactions with staff from Career Services, Living-Learning & New Student Programs, and the Bonner Center for Civic Engagement that complement and enhance their experiences. Communities also connect with the strong network of Richmond alumni working in or around the topic of the community.